วันพุธที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Dairy 1

5 August 2007 , I gets up at 6.30 am. I exercise with my sister at the park.I lead a dog jogging together.Then I and my sister go to the market by bicycle. I buy things to eat with rice.I buy vegetable , eggs,sausage and fruit .In the morning ,I cooking breakfast for me.When I eat finish , I wash dish and clean dining-table. I hear a ring . I look out to outside. I see the postman.He send letter and parcel post. I walk to receive letter and parcel post . Today has supplies send to me . I order in the internet.I buy a woolen coat but I think it not look like model in the internet. Then I take a bath , wash one's face ,brush one's teeth . I wear uniform .At 8.00 am.I watch television with my sister in the living room. I watch news . It is accident news and social news .suddenly ,It has urgent news.The robber kill police 10 people in Pattanee. The robber blow up police booth.I watch news, I feel bad and sorry because my father works in pattanee and my relative live here.I worry them. When I watch news finish , I'm to get ready for study today. I go to university by bus with my friend .My friend stay home near me . we go to study together.Today is traffic jam . I and my friend arrive university at 10.00 am.frist class , I study family law at 11.00 .I wait in the library.Today I study one subject . At 11.00 , I come to class with my friend .I study 11.00 - 13.00 . When I study finish ,I come back to home . I come back with my sister . My sister drive a car for receive me. I and my sister walk shopping at future park Rungsit mall . I walk to look cloths.Then I and my sister eat dinner . I and my sister eat MK restaurant .when I eat finish, I and my sister go to walk beside future park Rangsit mall. Here sell cloths and appliance second hand . When I have free time , I come here always.Then I come back home , at 19.00 I arrive home . When my dog see me,it run to me. I play with it.I lead my dog to take a bath .I give food it. Then I walk to in home . I go to the bedroom. I change cloths for clean my bedroom. I sweep and rub off the toilet.When I clean finish,I take a bath .Then I go to the kitchen. I help my mother wash dish and clean dining-table.After that, I go to the living room . I watch movie with my sister. I eat salad. I watch about 30 minute.I go to the bedroom . I wash one's face and brush one's teeth. I do homework law.When I do finish , I read code of law and repeat family law.Today I study family law but I have some legal provision ,I don't understand. I call to my friend. My friend expain legal provision untill I understand it .Then I open radio for listen song. I like to listen song before sleep. Today, I feel tired and headache. I go to the living room for eat medicine. Then I make a bed. I prostrate oneself to worship Buddha before I sleep .I set an alarm clock at 6.00 in new the morning .At 23.00 I go to the toilet before I sleep After that, I go to the bed . I'm sleep.

papatsorn M. ID 4917336 sec 881
